• Shri Mohan Charan Majhi
    Hon'ble Chief Minister
    Shri Mohan Charan Majhi

Activities Of Police

  1. Investigating into all cognizable cases.
  2. Enquiring into the UD Cases. Keeping watch over the activities of antisocial elements, and bringing them under the bar.
  3. Maintaining Law and Order in fir and festivals, agitation programmes, VIP visits.
  4. Providing safety and security to the general public and keeping peace in the area.
  5. Control the activities of Outlawed C.P.I. Maoists organisation.
  6. To take effective steps by means of which the public of remote area can get the facilities provided by the Govt.
  7. To join people in the main stream of society , and to free them from the clutches of Maoists.
  8. To make available the various policies launched by the govt. of Odisha and Govt. of India in case of death of civilians by Naxal attack/ violence.
  9. Implementation of Surrendre Naxal Policy to the surrendree.

Special Initiative taken under the District to improve Law and Order

  1. Introduction of Highway Patrolling. Road Blocking and Checking of vehicles.
  2. Introduction of one PCR Vehicle in Koraput Town Police Station/Jeyopore Town Police Station limit round the clock.
  3. Expeditious drive for execution of pending Non Bailable Warrants.
  4. Random Night Blocking and M.V. Checking to detect Criminals.
  5. Prompt investigation of all the cases.

Besides due priority is being emphasized to curb down the Maoists activities.

ANO. ( Anti Naxal Operation is being conducted regularly to check the movement of C.P.I. Maoists )

Trafficking of Contraband Ganja:

Sincere efforts are being taken by sensitizing all P.Ss to apprehend illegal trafficking of Contraband Ganja. A remarkable success has been achieved in last few years to detect such cases.

Women and Child Cell :-

In pursuance of instruction/ guidelines communicated vide Police Circular Order No. 362/ 2013 the Women Child cell under D.HRPC. Koraput is supervising the response of all the Police Stations of this district in connection with Crime/ Complaints relating to Women and Children. This cell is functioning under the guidance of DSP HRPC and direct supervision of S.P. Koraput and 1 Inspector Of Police, 1 ASI, 2 Constables are also assigned to look after the smooth functioning of this cell.


The Integrated Unit for Crime against Women and Child is functional.

Functioning of IAHTU ( Integrated Anti Human Trafficking Unit ):-

This unit has been started functioning at this Hdqrs, w.e.f. 25.02.2015 , in accordance with Govt. Of Odisha, Home Department Notification No. 46307/ D&A, dtd. 17.12.2014. Addl.S.P. IUCAW Koraput is assigned to look after the overall functioning of IAHTU till posting of one D.S.P. against the sanctioned post under IAHTU. Besides one Inspector, 1 ASI and 1 constable are attached to this unit for smooth functioning of this unit.

Functioning of District Intelligence and Operations Cell ( DIOC)

Under the direct supervision of Superintendent of Police, Koraput this cell is functioning at this Hdqrs to prepare data base on movement of C.P.I. Maoists and its related organisation. Young and experience Police personnel are attached to this cell. Anti Naxal Operations (ANOs) are being conducted regularly to check and curb down the Naxal activities in remote areas of this district. Due to effectively and timely collection of intelligence and timely action the naxal activities are under control in this district. Besides remarkable achievements are noticed in last years in detection and seizure of huge quantity of I.E.Ds, Arms and Ammunitions , arrest of hardcore Maoists, and surrender of the Naxal cadres.

Surrender of Naxals:-

As per Govt. of Odisha, Home Department Guidelines published from time to time due attention are being provided to conduct screening committee of the surrendered naxals, categorise them and to provide them the Rehabilitation package as per eligibility. Till date as many as 41 persons ( C.P.I. Maoists ) cadre are surrendered before the district police and joined the main stream of the society. Besides a numbers of militias and supporter /members of Chasi Mulia Adivasi Sangha ( CMAS) one of the frontal organisation of the C.P.I. Maoists are also surrendered before the Dist. Police in different occasions.